Aging Committees
Senior Tar Heel Legislature
Established to:
Provides information to senior citizens on the legislative process and matters being considered by the North Carolina General Assembly.
Promotes citizen involvement and advocacy concerning aging issues before the North Carolina General Assembly.
Assess the legislative needs of older citizens by convening a forum modeled after the North Carolina General Assembly.
There is one (1) delegate to the Senior Tar Heel Legislature from each of the 100 counties in the state and most of the counties have an alternate delegate. Delegates must be age 60 or better.
The North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services provide staff support for the Senior Tar Heel Legislature in cooperation with the 16 Area Agencies on Aging who are responsible for the selection of delegates and alternates.
Since the inception of the Senior Tar Heel Legislature, delegates and alternates to the Senior Legislature have undertaken a variety of activities in their counties to help inform and educate older citizens on matters before the General Assembly and to hear from people regarding their needs.
Currently, the Senior Tar Heel Legislature meets three (3) times a year, usually in the Triangle Area, to study issues, to hear from key resource persons and state officials, and to develop recommendations to present to the N.C. General Assembly.
The Senior Tar Heel Legislature submits three (3) to five (5) priority recommendations to the General Assembly each legislative session. With few exceptions, the General Assembly has taken positive action, in some form or fashion, on these recommendations.
See below for the Senior Tar Heel Delegate for your county.
Senior Tar Heel Legislative
Delegates and Alternates
Bladen County Dr. Delilah B. Blanks Jean Q. Lloyd
Hoke County Vacant Thomas Squier **
Richmond County Vacant Vacant
Robeson County Dr. Earlena C. Lowry** Betty Rising**
Scotland County Sheila Swift Vacant
Region N Aging Advisory Council (RAAC)
Each of the “AAA’s” has a regional board of advisors that assist the staff in making sure that the objectives of the programs are met. The Advisory Council is composed of (6) members from each county. They meet quarterly to help the staff monitor service dollars that are spent in the region. They assist with the development of the Aging Services Plan every (4) years and serve as consultants to local aging boards as needed.
JURISDICTION - Bladen County
G. Michael Cogdell
Dr. Teresa Duncan
David Foster
Jean Lloyd
Louella Thompson(Chair)
Tommy Thompson
Stella Edens
Patricia Graham
Della Maynor
Linda Revels (Vice-Chair)
Thomas Squier*
JURISDICTION - Richmond County
Maria Council
Dennis Holloway
Theresa Mercer
Millie Wright
JURISDICTION - Robeson County
Betty Rising
Jean Love
Frederia Stephens
Dr. Earlena Lowry
JURISDICTION - Scotland County
Carol Butler
Brenda Gilbert
William Matthews
Betty Mitchell
Sheila Swift
Rev. Dr. Howard H. Whitehurst*