Job Seeker
Jobseeker services are provided at the NCWorks Career Centers. The center can help you maximize your job search, increase your skillset, and obtain meaningful employment. At each Career Center, professionals will assist you in identifying job opportunities, access to hiring events, workshops and skills to help you connect with employers.
Career Services include, but are not limited to:
Career Planning & Counseling
Basic Skills Assessments
Financial Literacy
Adult Education
Labor Market Info
Job Readiness Services (Resume Prep, Interview Skills, Soft Skills etc.)
Career Readiness Certification
Link to Partner Services (DSS, Voc. Rehab, Community Colleges, Universities, Veterans’ Services etc.)
Job Search/Placement

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program is designed to address and remedy the employment and training needs of adults and dislocated workers.​
Individuals who are eligible for the WIOA program can utilize a variety of services including:
Supportive Services
Educational Support Services (Books, Tuition, Supplies etc.)
On-the-Job Training Opportunities
Work Experience Opportunities
Who is eligible for services?
Career services are available to everyone.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Adult Program (WIOA) provides services that are available to individuals who are 18 years of age or older and meet eligibility requirements. To learn more about the program, talk to a WIOA Career Advisor at your local career center.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Dislocated Worker Program (WIOA) provides services that are available to eligible dislocated workers who are 18 years of age or older.
Partners & Providers
Local Community Colleges
Local Universities
Department of Social Services
North Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation
Job Corps
Telamon Corporation
North Carolina Division of Workforce Solutions
North Carolina Division of Blind
Adult & Dislocated Worker
Program Service Porviders
Bladen Community College – Bladen County
Two Hawk Workforce Services – Hoke, Richmond, Robeson, & Scotland County (Housed in the NCWorks Career Centers)

Visit Your Local
NCWorks Career Center Today!
Bladen County
401 Mercer Mill Road | Elizabethtown, NC 28337
Phone (910) 862-3255 | Fax (910) 862-4098
Career Center Manager Angelo Johnson
Hoke County
304 Birch Street | Raeford, NC 28376
Phone (910) 683-3060 | Fax (910) 875-2125
Career Center Manager Angelo Johnson
Robeson County
289 Corporate Drive, Suite B | Lumberton, NC 28358
Phone (910) 887-6950 | Fax (910) 618-5570
Career Center Manager Angelo Johnson
Richmond County
115 West Franklin Street | Rockingham, NC 28379
Phone (910) 997-9180 | Fax (910) 997-9184
Career Center Manager Stephanie Littles
Scotland County
16800-A US-401 | Laurinburg, NC 28352
Phone (910) 405-5200 | Fax (910) 277-2628
Career Center Manager Stephanie Littles