Senior Games Sponsors

Grand Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Senior Games started in North Carolina in 1983 and has been held each year since. Across the state, there are 52 "local" games where participants compete for the right to move on to the State Finals. Winners at the State level go on to compete at the National level.
The Senior Games was coordinated by a group of volunteers as a wellness and prevention program to keep the body, mind and spirit fit while enjoying the company of friends, family, spectators and volunteers. Senior Games is much more than friendly competition in sports and the arts. The idea is to encourage Older Adults to stay active, renew old skills, and learn new ones and exercise to preserve a positive outlook on life. Participants get involved in Senior Games for fun, fitness, family and fellowship.
The Lumber River Senior Games are held in the spring of each year, generally in April.
Most participants are from Bladen, Hoke and Robeson Counties, but our games are open to participants in neighboring counties under special circumstances.
Adults at least 50 years of age or better from Bladen, Hoke and Robeson Counties are eligible to participate in the Senior Games.
Entry packets are mailed to previous year participants in February, but additional entry packets can be requested.
For More information on this program Contact:
Lumber River Council of Governments
Area Agency on Aging