The Older Adult Nutrition Program is a service of the Lumber River Area Agency on Aging that is focused on providing nutritious meals to older adults. Funding for this program is provided through the Older Americans Act, with contributions and grants obtained from other sources.
Purpose of the Nutrition Program
Promote, maintain, and improve the health and well-being of older adults through the provision of a nutritionally balanced meal five days per week served in a congregate setting or delivered to the home.
Reduce the isolation experienced by many older adults through opportunities for social interaction by participation in the nutrition program.
Provide nutrition education and supportive service activities in order to enhance the older adult’s ability to remain independent.
Enable impaired older adults to remain at home as long as possible and facilitate the discharge of older adults from hospitals and care providing facilities.
Congregate Nutrition Services
Congregate Nutrition Services are intended to promote the health and well-being of older adults through the provision of a nutritious meal five days a week. Nutrition education and appropriate supportive services are also provided to help enhance the older person’s ability to remain independent.
Congregate Nutrition Services are available to persons 60 years of age and older and their spouses. Spouses under the age of 60 are eligible for services when the person 60 and over is actively involved in the program.
Home Delivered Meals
Home Delivered Meals are intended to help maintain and improve the health of homebound older adults by providing nutritionally balanced meals served in the home five (5) days a week, Monday through Friday around noontime.
Home delivered meals are available to older adults that are 60 years of age or older, who are physically or mentally unable to prepare food, who have no responsible person who is able or willing to prepare meals, who is home bound, and unable to participate in the congregate nutrition program because of physical or mental impairment. The spouse of an eligible older adult may also be eligible to receive meals.
Is there a cost for either Congregate or Home-Delivered Meals?
No, there is no cost to qualified recipients. However, we do have a policy, as required by the program guidelines, to take voluntary contributions from those we serve to help extend the number of meals we can provide. This is called our "Consumer Contribution Policy".
The purpose of the Consumer Contribution Policy is to extend the availability of in-home and community based services administered by the Division of Aging by soliciting from all service recipients a portion of the cost of services rendered based upon their ability to pay.
Recipients have the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution for their meal. Their contribution is confidential and the amount they choose to give is their choice. Revenues collected from service recipients will be retained by the Lumber River Council of Governments and used to increase services to existing clients.
Nutrition Referral Line: 910-775-9788
For More information Contact:
Lumber River Council of Governments
Area Agency on Aging