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Image by Riccardo Annandale


Career Readiness Certificate


The Lumber River Workforce Development Board is an avid supporter of the Career Readiness Certification Program. The Career Readiness Certificate Initiative is a state program designed to meet the needs of both employers and job seekers. For employers, the tool offers a reliable means of determining whether a potential employee has the necessary literacy and "job ready" skills to be an effective employee. For job seekers, the certificate equips individuals with a portable credential that helps facilitate job placement, retention, and advancement. Individuals can earn three levels of certification - Gold, Silver, or Bronze - based on their test performance in Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Locating Information. The levels, with Gold being the highest, signify increasing degrees of difficulty in each of the test areas.


The Lumber River Workforce Development Board purchased an area-wide license for Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN), the original Level 1 provider of courseware for ACT WorkKeys, a nationally recognized system of profiling, assessment and instructional support. The CRC is based on the ACT WorkKeys system. Contractors and partners can utilize the WIN courseware to assist customers in need of remediation. By using WIN, customers can improve their skills in areas tested in WorkKeys.



The Vision East Workforce Development Alliance consists of eight North Carolina Workforce Development Boards: Cape Fear, Cumberland County, Eastern Carolina, Lumber River, Mid-Carolina, Northeastern Region, Region Q and Turning Point. Collectively, the boards work together toward strengthening eastern North Carolina by sharing information and coordinating regional efforts. Meetings are held periodically and a strategic planning session is held annually.  



The Lumber River Workforce Development Board joins the NCWorks Commission and the North Carolina Division of Workforce Solutions in designating the month of October as Workforce Development Professionals Month - to honor individuals in all the workforce development organizations and partnerships who play a vital role in our economy. Each year, the Board adopts a resolution and organizes appreciation events with local workforce development professionals.

​30 C.J. Walker Road
COMtech Park
Pembroke, NC 28372

​Ph: 910-775-9700

Fx: 910-521-7556

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